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Under New Management - Roadside Attraction # 203
00:00Under New Management

Roadside Attraction is recorded live at Yellow Cab Tavern in Dayton, Ohio
We perform twice per month, on the second and fourth Sundays.
Musical performers have included:
Todd the Fox with Queen Victoria
Scott Millsop writes and directs the show
He also writes and performs
Dimmy Jean and Messages from Midway
Guest Writers have included:
Mark Jeffers is your Host and Guide
Sharon Lane, Molly Millsop and Scott Millsop have been
the voice of the 2000 lb. groundhog.
Jeff Opt provides heroic sound services.
Charlie Parker does lighting, sound & recording.
Special thanks to
for sculpting a 9 Foot GroundHog,
and to Tara Moore for the
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